Are you looking for a guesthouse (Korean B&B)?Search, select and book a variety of accommodations in cities around the worldStay in the comfort of your own home, wherever you are[Find guesthouses by city]Travelers can explore a variety of guesthouses and find accommodations by city-by-city search, right from the Rooms & Beds app.[Please select the accommodation you want]You can check the photos of the guesthouse, amenities and services, whether meals are provided, accommodation rules, and hot spots around the accommodation at a glance. can be found easily[Please contact us for missing information]Travelers can use the app to directly inquire about the missing information and receive a responsePartners (accommodations) can directly answer travelers inquiries using the app[Simple accommodation registration and management for partners (accommodation)]Register your guesthouse right from the Rooms & Beds app and let travelers know where you liveProvides guest house management functions of partner home, reservation calendar, reservation management, post management, accommodation management, and room managementThis is an opportunity to provide a pleasant experience for travelers.